Olli Ella Folk | Whitney Leigh Morris
Tell us about yourself, your family and where you live…
The merging of interior design and styling with your passion for sustainability has really become the heart of your brand. Is this passion a result of owning The Tiny Canal Cottage, or is this an area that you have always been interested in?
Something you often say is "you don't need to live large, to live beautifully". Tell us a little more about this sentiment and what it means to you…
We LOVE baskets, and we love that you do too! What are your top five favourite uses for baskets in your home?
We use a diverse basket collection throughout our home-office to reduce visual clutter and increase functionality. Top uses include: Utilising the Strolley for library books (it’s just the right size, and so easy for our little one to move around!), using Luggys for storage when home and for market and library trips when on-the-go. Using lidded baskets for miscellaneous toys, creating drawers on our shelves/built-ins with shallow bins, and keeping our Mosey open for versatile, last-minute use during the day (whether when picking grapes, harvesting lettuce, corralling games and blocks, play fishing with our son, or sorting through paperwork to be scanned or recycled).
When it comes to storage, nothing seems to be more daunting than tackling the wardrobe. Living in The Tiny Canal Cottage, what are some handy storage hacks you have come across to make wardrobe organisation a breeze?
Rarely do folks enjoy this reply, but if I’m being honest, the “hack” is simply to own less stuff. The fewer belongings we have, the fewer storage solutions and space we require. In my mind, that’s a positive thing, as it lessens both our physical and environmental footprint. Having shared that, we all have stuff, of course, and we need a place to put it. I think that versatile and adaptable baskets and shelving are key, so that we can always adapt our space (such as a closet) to suit our current and evolving needs. For example, our single closet has changed over the years from a wardrobe for 2 people, to a nursery for one child, back to a closet again… this time for 3 people!
You are a longtime friend and lover of Olli Ella and we adore seeing our products styled throughout your home. Over the years, what would you say is the Olli Ella item you have used the most?
Blog tinycanalcottage.com
Instagram @whitneyleighmorris