Mexico Travel Guide
Last October, our co-founder and wanderlusting Mama, Chloe Brookman, packed up her growing gang (hubby Charlie, Tennyson 9, Arlo 6, Nell 2 and soon to come baby number 4!) and journeyed to Mexico for three weeks traveling through the Yucatan Peninsula! Come behind the scenes on Chloe’s adventure and check out her must-do list of Mexico faves...
It was a long trip from Byron Bay to Mexico, with lots of planes and buses and cars. But they made it! First stop - Tulum!
The weather was balmy and overcast, which led this little crew to seek out some waterholes, called Cenotes, for which the Yucatan is famous. In Tulum, Chloe and her fam spent most of their time exploring local Cenotes and feasting on Pork Pibil, a famous local dish that is best served with a cool bottle of Coca Cola.
Next Stop! Chloe and co head inland to the historic town of Valladolid, full of incredible architecture & Mayan Ruins. And also found the most delicious locally made ice cream ever!
Last stop before heading further west, deeper into the Yucatan, was Suytun Cenote, an underground cave full of turquoise fresh water, tiny bats and little fish that tickle your feet!
The final leg of the adventure is Acaneh, a sleepy country town, staying at a wonderful Kid and Coe rental home. Here they caught up on lots of sleep, and explored the cute little villages including Izamal, a town entirely painted in warm yellow gold.